Balancing Robot

eX-Robot - ProfileBlock™ Robot Platform 본문


eX-Robot - ProfileBlock™ Robot Platform

Zalophus Dokdo 2017. 10. 21. 22:32

[ Upload 20170424]
[ Upload design concept 20170418]

ProfileBlock - Balancing Robot - DIY Robots Platform

3D Design Tool: SketchUp Pro

ProfileBlock's robots are built on top of an open source Arduino-based(with ESP8266, Raspberry Pi) platform.

Self Balancing Robot (eX-Robot, B-Robot, Roverbot, ...


Base Plate(Parts):

6 x ProfileBlock™ DF 2020 85mmAcrylic Plate (t = 3mm)1 x Top Plate1 x Bottom Plate
2 x Step Motor Mount Plate
1 x Front Plate
1 x Rear Plate3D Printing Parts
2 x Servo Mount ProfoleBlock
12 x Knob M5 Hexaheard
2 x Wheels 100mm or Inline Wheels 70mm(with 2 x Inline Wheels Hub)
2 x Tire Mudguards
1 x Stand1 x Battery Holder

Step Motor:

2 x Nema 17 Stepper Motor bipolar 4 leads 34mm 12V 1.3A 26Ncm( 3D printer motor 42SHD0001
2 x NEMA 17 - Phase: 4, Step Angle: 1.8 Deg/Step, Holding Torque:


1 x Standard Servo or SG90 Metal Servo
1 x Standard Servo (Option) or SG90 Metal Servo

12 x M5 10mm Nylon Bolts
12 x M5 8mm Nylon Bolts
12 x M5 Nylon Nuts
8 x M3 8mm Bolts
4 x M3 10mm Bolts
4 x M3 15mm Bolts
8 x M3 Nuts


Control Board:

1 x ESP8266 Witty Cloud or WeMos (eX-Robot)
1 x HC-SR04 ultra sonic module
1 X MPU6050
2 x A4988 Step Motor Drive
1 x LM1117-5.0 5,0V 1A Regulator
1 x LM1117-3,3 3,3V 1A Regulator
6 x 100uF 25V Capacitor
4 x 0.1uF Capacitor
1 x 220KOhm Resistor
1 x 100KOhm Resistor
4 x 10KOhm Resistor
7 x 8P Female Pin Header Connector 2.54mm Pitch
3 x 4P Male Pin Header Connector 2.54mm Pitch
2 x 3P Male Pin Header Connector 2.54mm Pitch
3 x 2P Male Pin Header Connector 2.54mm Pitch
1 x 2EDGK 5.08mm 2P Plug-in terminal connectors set
1 x Right Angle SPDT 4 Pin On-On I/O Boat Rocker Switch
1 x Interface Mother board

Power Requirements:

12 VDC


2 x 18650 Litum Ion Battery = 7.2 VDC ~ 8.4 VDC


ESP8266 WeMos D1 mini code: Coming soon...
WiFi UDP Control TouchOSC Layout file: Coming soon...

Arduino IDE (ESP8266 ESP-12E/F)Support SoftAP and StationSupport OTA (at Local network)Support mDNS (at Local network)

The open source ProfileBlock hardware and software is free and made with love. Please show your level of support with a voluntary donation.

